Here's our interview with Kris Buckhout:
What was one of your greatest challenges in motherhood?
Balancing life. I want to do it ALL. I work from home, I’m a wife, and a mother. I try to make time for everything every single day and some days, it’s just not possible. I don’t give myself enough credit and my standards for myself are HIGH.
What was one of your greatest joys?
Living for the little moments. A glass of wine after a long day, an afternoon with friends.
Tell us about your postpartum journey. What caught you by surprise? What was your greatest struggle and how did you work towards overcoming it?
I struggled with mild PPD and PPA with my first daughter and then got it pretty severe with my second. I never asked for help or thought much of it the first time, but by the second baby, I knew when and how to ask for help. Medication helped a ton and I think if more women (and spouses) knew the signs, more moms could have relief a lot sooner (or at all).
Tell us about your breastfeeding journey. Something you learned, something you struggled through, something you loved?
For me personally, it was a nightmare. There is so much stigma around breast-feeding and I let it eat me alive. I did about everything under the sun for both of my daughters and unfortunately did not have a successful breast-feeding journey with either of them. People will always have their opinions but at the end of the day, fed is absolutely best. I wish someone gave me that advice right off the bat.
There was a lot of anxiety around feeding time for me and unfortunately it really killed my joy in the experience.
I know that I did everything I could to make it work and that’s what I hold onto everyday!
What one piece of advice would you give to new moms?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! For my first baby especially, I was not only embarrassed but felt like I was less of a mom if I needed help, let alone asked for it. Take the help. You aren’t proving anything doing it ALL yourself.
Connect with Kris at: homewithharper.com
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